Week 9-10 (August 6&13): Rube Goldberg Machine
Week 8 (July 30): Marble Runs!
Week 7 (July 23): Microbits Advanced
Additional micro:bit information here: http://luci4.org/microbit/index.html
Interest in coding with Scratch and using your micro:bit? https://scratch.mit.edu/microbit
Week 6 (July 16): Cardboard Construction: Save all your shipping and cereal boxes – we’re going to learn some techniques for constructing out of cardboard tonight!
Here are some resources to help you get started:
Tools you may want to have nearby: Scissors, X-acto knife, tape, ruler, hole punch, Zip Snip, wire, zip ties, twist ties, markers, pencils, rubber bands, yarn, previous Discovery Lab materials, other things from around your home!
Week 5 (July 9): Exploring Micro:bits! Dr. Mark Lucas leads us through an investigation of micro:bit microcontrollers. Here is a page to help get you started: http://luci4.org/microbit/
We’ll be using the Make Code platform. Check your booklets for more information on how to get set up!
Week 4 (July 2): Telling our Stories – with a special visit from Evan Shaw, 10 time Emmy award winning filmmaker! We’ll be learning how to effectively document the process and products of our building and making. Zoom in at our maker meetup on Thursday (6-8pm) and have your free account with WeVideo ready to go.
Week 3: Design a Toy Resources: TeacherGeek Amusement Park Challenge, Kinetic Sculpture Challenge, Exploratorium Automata, Automaton Video, Caine’s Arcade, Rob Ives Paper animations
Week 2: Hydraulic Arm Build Resources: TeacherGeek Advanced Hydraulic Arm; Basic Hydraulic Arm; Hydraulic Build Video
Week 1: Electric Car Build Resources: TeacherGeek Electric Car
Discovery Lab 2020 is a virtual version of our previous summer maker program. Geared toward participants 6th grade and older, we will explore building, making, creating, and design through technology – true STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, & Mathematics) education.
All participants registered should have received an email from OVMoD about the Zoom link we will be using, as well as Flipgrid login information (once your Flipgrid consent form is complete). Please email director@ovmod.org with any questions.
Thanks to a generous donation from the Association of Science and Technology Centers and the Voya Foundation, Discovery Lab 2020 will be going virtual!
Join us for FREE weekly maker sessions, technology-focused workshops, and an end-of-summer virtual Discovery Fair.
Materials and supplies will be made available to participants via no-contact pickup at the museum building (67 Columbus Road, Athens) or home delivery.
Register today and sign up to receive maker supplies, private Zoom link, and Discovery Lab Flipgrid access.
Discovery Lab 2020 will utilize Zoom web-conferencing for synchronous meetings and Flipgrid for asynchronous sharing of project progress. Phone-in options are available to participants without internet access at home. Experienced mentors are available during maker sessions and on Flipgrid to support students in learning new skills.
Discovery Lab maker sessions will focus on opportunities to build and create, incorporating STEAM (STEM+Arts) to support authentic learning in a project-based format. Technology-focused workshops will introduce participants to incorporate technology into their maker projects at home.
Discovery Lab Zoom Meetup dates:
Register by June 4, 2020. Give Flipgrid Consent by June 10, 2020.
Thursday, June 11, 6:00-8:00pm: Motion – Build a vehicle
Thursday, June 18, 6:00-8:00pm: Build a Hydraulic Arm
Thursday, June 25, 6:00-8:00pm: Design a Toy
Thursday, July 2, 6:00-8:00pm: Telling your Story
Thursday, July 9, 6:00-8:00pm: Micro:bits Fundamentals
Thursday, July 16, 6:00-8:00pm: Cardboard Construction
Thursday, July 23, 6:00-8:00pm: Micro:bits Advanced
Thursday, July 30, 6:00-8:00pm: Marble Runs
Thursday, August 6, 6:00-8:00pm: Rube Goldberg Machines Part 1
Thursday, August 13, 6:00-8:00pm: Rube Goldberg Machines Part 2 / Wrapup / Graduation
Check our Social media for the Virtual Discovery Fair!